Welcome speeches
Kristof Debeljak Mag. Prof., Conference coordinator, School Centre Škofja Loka, Škofja Loka, Slovenia
Direktor Josef Stocker BEd (Fachberufsschule Villach 2)
Mag. Dr. Petra Oberrauner (Vizebürgermeisterin der Stadt Villach)
Mag. Martina Rattinger (Leiterin Verbindungsbüro Kärnten in Brüssel)
Mag. Christina Zauner (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen)
Mag. Dr. Marlies Krainz-Dürr (Direktorin der Pädagogischen Hochschule)
Dipl.Päd. Ana Blatnik (Bundesrätin)
(Presentation: Mag. Andrea Stuhlpfarrer)
ApprenticeshipLeave Certificate and Master Craftsman’s Diploma in Austria,
Ing. Alfred Madrutter (Wirtschaftskammer) concepted by:Mag. Manfred Zechner and DI (FH) Hansjörg Gärtner (Wirtschaftskammer)
Innovation Alive HTL Wolfsberg (College of Engineering), HR Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Johann Persoglia (Direktor HTL Wolfsberg)
Apprenticeshiptraining in Austria through the example of Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Mag. Sabrina Moser-Schellander (Infineon)
Systemic approaches and views on thecooperation between schools and employers in Slovenia, Elido Bandelj (director of Slovenian institute forvaocational education and training, SLO)
Significance of apprenticeship for the Carinthian industry: providing highlyskilled employees, Mag (FH) Pucher Wolfgang (Industriellenvereinigung)
The final graduating work in the field of automechatronics, Stanislav Klouda (Industrijsko-obrtnička škola SlavonskiBrod, HR)
TheAlps-Adriatic-Alliance – building bridges through a network, Mag Thomas Pseiner (Alpen-Adria Allianz)
The importance of the thesis for a student at the end ofthe secondary school, Marko Emili (Državni poklicni zavod za industrijo in obrt Jožef Stefan, ITA)